5.8.3 XML File Naming Convention

Each message sent in the Batch shall be named as follows:


Where RRRR shall contain one of the following:

  • “ID_Req” to identify that the message is a MusicalWorkClaimRequestMessage in the Identification Cycle;

  • “ID_Notif” to identify that the message is a MusicalWorkClaimNotificationMessage in the Identification Cycle;

  • “LoD_LoD” to identify that the message is a LoDMessage in the LoD Cycle that serves as the Letter of Direction;

  • “LoD_Conf” to identify that the message is a LoDConfirmationMessage in the LoD Cycle;

  • “Conf_LoD” to identify that the message is a LoDMessage that serves as confirmation in the Confirmaton Cycle; or

  • “Conf_Conf” to identify that the message is a LoDConfirmationMessage in the Confirmation Cycle.

SSSSS shall containe a zero padded serial number within that Batch.