5.6.3 Ingestion of a LoDMessage information

As part of the choreography defined in this standard, Licensees are requested to identify all of their current Resources (e.g. Sound Recordings or videos) and Releases that make use of Musical Works or Right Shares that are the subject of the Catalogue transfer they have been informed about in an LoDMessage. In the LoDConfirmationMessage they are requested to supply a complete list of these Resources and Releases to the Acquiring Music Publisher.

Licensees will, however, only be able to do this reliably if they receive all available data to help identify the affected Musical Works or Right Shares such as identifiers, contributors such as Writers and, Catalogue names. Such information also needs to be accompanied by at least some of the Resources or Releases upon which the Musical Works have been embodied. Such Resource and Release information should be made available to the Licensee in the LoDMessage, but there is no obligation to provide a complete list of Resources or Releases.

If a Licensee does not receive such information, its efforts to identify the Releases and/or Resources that are affected would be significantly impeded. This may mean that the Acquiring Music Publisher may not be able to update its internal works and royalty databases in a timely manner.

It is recognised that an Acquiring Music Publisher would typically only know about such Resources or Releases having been informed by the Relinquishing Music Publishers. Publishers are therefore strongly encouraged to share not only Musical Work and Right Share information but also information regarding information about the Resources and Releases on which the relevant Musical Works or Right Shares are embodied, with one another when agreeing to and then administering the transfer of a Catalogue.

In cases where the Acquiring Music Publisher is unable to collate sufficient information regarding the Resources or Releases that embody the Musical Works or Right Shares included in the Catalogue to be transfered, the Acquiring Music Publisher should send an alternative computer-readable format containing all available information to the Licensee outside of the DDEX message choreography in order to help to facilitate any manual research that will need to be done by the Licensee.