5.3 Disputing Letters of Direction

Letters of Direction, whether communicated directly in accordance with Clause 5.1 or via a Hub in accordance with Clause 5.2, can be disputed by:

  1. A Licensee, for example, when the transferred Right Share percentage exceeds the share the Licensee has allocated to the Relinquishing Music Publisher in its systems. In that case the Licensee shall:

    1. Reply with an Exception in the ConfirmedCatalogTransfer composite with the ExceptionReason set to DisputedByLicensee; and

    2. Seek a complete and current share picture from all Rights Controllers with an interest in the relevant Musical Work by sending MusicalWorkClaimRequestMessages, as defined in the Musical Work Right Share Notification Choreography;

  2. A Relinquishing Music Publisher when the LoDConfirmationMessage is used in the Confirmation Cycle of the extended choreography described in Figure 2 of Clause 5.1.2, in instances where, for example, the inclusion of a whole catalogue in the transfer documented in the LoDMessage is rejected or when the Musical Works listed in the LoDMessage are, in the view of the Relinquishing Music Publisher, not part of the catalogue transfer. This shall be signalled in the LoDConfirmationMessage through 

    1. CatalogTransferException that references the identifier of the disputed catalogue; or 

    2. An Exception in the ConfirmedCatalogTransfer composite that references the Right Share that is disputed.

    In both cases the ExceptionReason shall be set to DisputedByRelinquishingPublisher.

In addition, it may be that a Licensee cannot find any Releases or Resources in its systems that embody the specific Musical Work that is part of a catalogue transfer. In that case the Licensee shall set the ExceptionReason to NotFound to signal this fact to the Acquiring Music Publisher.

In the case of a communication via a hub, the hub shall forward the ExceptionReasons it has received to the Acquiring Music Publisher.