5.1.1 Core Choreography

The diagram below depicts the choreography defined by this standard.

Figure 1 –  Core Choreography of the US Letters of Direction Choreography Standard

The table below summarises the points in the US Letters of Direction Choreography that different messages defined in this standard are sent.

Message Name

Intiating Event



A Musical Work Licensor who has acquired a catalogue of Musical Works (or Right Shares thereof) and who may have confirmed the details with the Relinquishing Music Publisher wishes to inform the Licensee about the catalogue transfer.

The Acquiring Music Publisher will include a set of Resources and/or Releases that embody the Musical Works that make up the acquired catalogue.



A Licensee has received an LoDMessage, and has ingested the information in its systems and identified the Resources and/or Releases that are affected. The ingestion of the information contained in the LoDMessage into the Licensee’s system may lead to the identification of additional Musical Works that the Acquiring Music Publisher did not communicate. If the Licensee wishes to send this information to the Acquiring Music Publisher, this should be managed outside of the choreography defined in this standard.

The Licensee then wishes to confirm that it has acted in accordance with the information received in the LoDMessage and to communicate the resulting changes. The Licensee will include all Resources and Releases that embody the Musical Works that make up the acquired catalogue. This is carried out using the LoDConfirmationMessage.

The LoDConfirmationMessage only confirms that the Rights Controller information for the Musical Works (and affected Resources and Releases) has been transferred to the Acquiring Music Publisher in accordance with the LoDMessage received. The LoDConfirmationMessage is not intended to enable the sending of updates of the metadata about these entities to the Acquiring Music Publisher.

If both parties involved agree, a Licensee may need to send multiple LoDConfirmationMessages in response to a single LoDMessage, for example because the process of identifying affected Resources and Releases is iterative or takes too long and an interim response is deemed necessary.

In those cases, a subsequent LoDConfirmationMessage shall include all prior information and completely replace any LoDConfirmationMessages sent earlier.

Table 1: Messages and triggers in the core choreography of the US Letters of Direction Choreography

The table below summarises the points in the US Letters of Direction Choreography that different helper messages defined in this standard are sent.

Message Name

Initiating Event



A party has finished collating messages in accordance with this standard into a Batch and wishes its business partner to commence ingesting it.



A party receives a Batch of messages in accordance with this standard. The party then acknowledges receipt of the Batch/each message (which does not imply agreement with the content of the messages).

 Table 2: Messages and triggers in the US Letters of Direction Choreography helper messages